The STIRE project
The STIRE project aims to foster the resettlement process by contributing to the social and cultural support (prior to departure and after the arrival) of the resettled, by facilitating capacity building activities in the receiving communities and by enhancing cooperation and partnership between resettled and host communities in Austria, Croatia, Italy, Ireland, Romania and Slovenia.
For the resettled, better establishment of a new existence in EU countries through better knowledge and understanding of the culture, the social system, the language and other information necessary to navigate through the new administrative and legal system.
For professionals, officials as well as volunteers engaged in the reception of third-country nationals, better preparation for working in an intercultural setting as they will have greater understanding of cultural differences and intercultural skills.
For host communities, increased competence in interacting with third-country nationals and supporting their integration.
For all, stronger cooperation and partnership through increased information and knowledge sharing about social and cultural issues linked to resettlement and people involved. To learn more about the project visit
Community Guide Volunteering
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Spletna stran je projekt Slovenske filantropije, nosilke Slovenske mreže prostovoljskih organizacij. Na enem mestu posameznikom, prostovoljskim organizacijam in širši javnosti predstavljamo vse pomembne novice na področju prostovoljstva. Z razvitim informacijskim sistemom povezujemo zainteresirane prostovoljce in prostovoljske organizacije. Vsebine novic, dogodkov in prostovoljskih del prispevajo članice Slovenske mreže prostovoljskih organizacij.