Volunteering for migrants
Migrants lose their social and human capital when they immigrate and settle in a new country where the language and culture are quite different from their own. Volunteering helps migrants to regain their social and human capital and acquire other manifold benefits. Human capital includes the skills and knowledge we gather in formal and informal learning. Migrants often face difficulties in transferring their skills into the labour market of the host country. Volunteering helps to build human capital by enabling migrants to informally learn new skills and to get acquainted with the work culture of the host country.
Social capital, built through meaningful interactions between people, facilitates the learning and use of these skills and knowledge. It therefore promotes active and sustainable learning.
Choosing the opportunity to volunteer within an organisation can be crucial to help migrants to become part of a new reality, to feel fulfilled on a personal level and get the opportunity to help others, thus creating a “circle of solidarity” in which those who have been helped in turn help others while helping themselves.
Interested in volunteering?
Read the Community guidelines for volunteering in English, Slovene, Arabic or Farsi [povezave na pdf, za farsi še ni] to acquire more information on volunteering in Slovenia, register as a volunteer or contact your chosen organisation.
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Spletna stran www.prostovoljstvo.org je projekt Slovenske filantropije, nosilke Slovenske mreže prostovoljskih organizacij. Na enem mestu posameznikom, prostovoljskim organizacijam in širši javnosti predstavljamo vse pomembne novice na področju prostovoljstva. Z razvitim informacijskim sistemom povezujemo zainteresirane prostovoljce in prostovoljske organizacije. Vsebine novic, dogodkov in prostovoljskih del prispevajo članice Slovenske mreže prostovoljskih organizacij.