IAVE okrogla miza: Mladi prostovoljci, zaposljivost in trajnostno preživetje

»Youth Volunteering, Employability and Sustainable Livelihoods« Roundtable!


Teden prostovoljcev je letna proslava, namenjena praznovanju vložka milijonov ljudi v Veliki Britaniji, ki s svojim prostovoljskim delom prispevajo k skupnosti. Člani IAVE spodbujajo vse ljudi, da se jim pridružijo, z njimi slavijo in navdihujejo. Teden prostovoljcev je potekal od 1. do 7. junija, 6- junij pa je bil proglašen za »Power of Youth Day«.


2. maja je IAVE organiziral okroglo mizo v Londonu, kjer so nadaljevali s pogovori o globalnem dialogu o mladih prostovoljcih, zaposljivosti in trajnostnem preživetju. Proslavili so tako moč mladih kot tudi moč prostovoljstva – nastalo poročilo najdete tukaj.


Prevedeno iz angleščine:

Volunteers Week is an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering in their communities. IAVE members in the UK will be encouraging everyone to join in and CELEBRATE and INSPIRE! The week runs from the 1st – the 7th of June, and in collaboration with the iwill movement, the 6th June has been designated ‘Power of Youth Day’.


On 2nd May, IAVE held a Roundtable in London hosted by Volunteering Matters to continue the global dialogue on Youth Volunteering, Employability and Sustainable Livelihoods. The London event celebrated both the power of youth and the power of volunteering; you can read the report from the Roundtable here.


Podelili so tudi sledeča gradiva:

Challenge Paper: Youth Volunteering and Employability: Exploring the Role of the Corporate Sector

Insights Paper: Youth Volunteering, Employability and Sustainable Livelihoods: Exploring the Role of the Corporate Sector

Challenge Paper: Youth Volunteering and Well-Being: Exploring the Benefits of Engaging in Civic Action

Challenge Paper: Youth Volunteering and Activism: Exploring Pathways to Enact Change



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