Posredovalnica prostovoljskih del
A group of refugee and immigrant women seeks to enhance their English language proficiency.
We are in search of volunteers who are willing to assist in English learning sessions. Our goal is to establish several smaller groups tailored to different levels of prior knowledge (A1 to B1). Volunteers will be assigned tasks based on their availability and mutual agreement.
Regular weekly meetings are planned. These sessions are expected to be conducted via ZOOM, but there is also the possibility of in-person meetings in Ljubljana at the APIS Institute's premises (Kotnikova, Ljubljana). The necessary technical and content support will be provided by the APIS Institute.
Primerno za : Posameznike, Tujce
Področja dela : Ranljive skupine, Vzgoja in izobraževanje
Oblika dela : Izobraževanje, Učna pomoč
Pričakovane izkušnje :
Proficiency in English or native speaker. Teaching experience or English studies background are a plus. A commitment to maintain regular meeting schedules, including the necessary preparations for the teaching, is essential.
Trajanje dela : Until June 20, 2024; a longer-term collaboration may also be possible based on agreement.
Št. ur na teden : Between 3 to 9 hours per week, subject to agreement.
Kontakt : Romana Zajec | T: +38631338616 | E: romana@zavodapis.si
Veljavnost objave : 19.03.2024 - 19.05.2024 | (Poteklo)
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